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2007-05-08 14:10:25
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First Victim: America

Hiyono stepped off the plane in Boston and grinned evilly. "Time for my prank!" She giggled.

Demon stepped out onto the streets of Philadelphia. "Now this'll do. This'll do fine!" he chuckled evily.

Hiyono popped up. "Remember. Pranks only." She said before going back to Boston.

Kenji followed Hiyono quietly, snickering to herself.

Demon randomly appeared in Boston. He looked around scared like and shrugged. He saw Kenji and chuckled lightly.

Hiyono smirked. "So you forewent Phillie?" She asked.

Kenji looked at Hiyono as if she had zoned out. "Huh?" she asked stupidly.

Demon jumped on Kenji's back. "BOO!" He laughed hysterically.

Hiyono grinned. "I wasn't spacing out. No nned to worry yet. When I space out, it's a sign that people are going to die. So pray that I don't space out." She said.

Demon smirked and walked up to Hiyono. "I'm saving my best prank for Philly."

"Really? Well too bad that the best pranks shouldn't be reserved for America. I'm going to decide which country we're gonna prank the best." Hiyono said. Her grin showed cat demon/vampire fangs.

Kenji looked at Hiyono, then Demon, then back at Hiyono, a confused, lost expression on her face.

Demon looked at Kenji and laughed then tackled her to the ground.

"GAAAH!" Kenji exclaimed, falling to the ground roughly. "Ouch..." she mumbled, giggling at the same time.

"FOCUS!!!" Hiyono roared angrily.

Kenji jumped up, pushing Demon away fast. "SOOOOOOORRY!!!!" she whined.

"If you haven't completed the first prank by sundown, you will starve tonight." Hiyono said icily.

Kenji stared at Hiyono with big sad eyes. "You meanie!" She pouted.

Hiyono softened. "Sorry Ken-chan but you two can play later. We have to beat Satan's pranks with better ones. If not then back to hell we go. And not the nice level we live in. The worst one." She said briskly.

"Oh.. DARN IT!" she shook her fist.

"Exactly and I don't know about you but I for one don't want to spend eternity in the seventh level of hell." Hiyono said grimly.

Kenji nodded. "I don't wanna stay there either!" she muttered.

There was a small pillar of fire in the middle of the street, a blackened figure flying out of it and landing at Kenji and Hiyono's feet. "I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THAT!" the figure yelled, getting up and shaking a fist at the flames.

Demon looked at the excitement with a childish look on his face.

"And you are?" Hiyono asked disdainfully.

Kenji tried to copy the same look Hiyono had.

The figure dusted himself off "Im Evo..." he looked back "Damn Satan, didn't like me playing around in his realm."

"Who do you play for? Satan or us?" Hiyono asked as her expression relaxed slightly.

"Due to the fact Satan just kicked me out of hell... you." Evo said, nodding.

Demon got up from the sitting on the ground and started looking around the city starting to wander.

"Good. Ok go pull three pranks. One has to do with scaring a mortal, one has to do with defacing something and the third is to steal something useless to us but needed by a mortal." Hiyono said.

Kenji looked at Hiyono and grinned. "Gladly!" she skipped off in search of a possible opportunity to prank.

Hiyono grinned and went to a park and stole every human's left shoe. Then she went and stole some paint from a paint store and painted bubbles all over the Boston Market. Finally she changed into her full demon/angel/vampire form and roared at little kids. They screamed and ran to their mothers. Laughing wildly, Hiyono switched to her demon form and went to a secluded area of the park to wait for her friends.

Demon, walking down the street passed an adult store. He grinned evily and walked in. Stole all the dildos in the adult stores then left with adult posters. He magically bonded the posters to every corner. He changed to his demonic vampire form and sat on a roof top waiting for someone to come along. A teen with a green mohawk walked under him and he swooped down and grabbed him and carried him up into the air. He hissed into his ear revealing the sharp edges of his teeth then threw him in a pile of horse manure. He watched the teen jump up and scream.

"I guess that's ok." Hiyono said lazily as she appeared beside him. "But you gave to get rid of those dildos." She giggled.

Demon smiled evily. "No problem!" He flew down to mortals in a park and moving swiftly stuck them all in different mens asses. He landed next to Hiyono and smiled at her. "Hows that?"

"Perfect! We're meaner than Satan in some ways!" Hiyono laughed.

Evo ran around Washington DC. He ran out into the middle of the road, almost getting hit by a waste truck. He grinned up at it and the driver fled like there was no tomorrow. A short time later Evo was running away from the Lincon memorial, leaving an empty waste truck behind and a very smelly dead president. He stopped at the white house and grinned, staring threw the window. He dashed threw a portal and arrived in front of the President, who was sitting behind his desk and playing with a pen. He screamed "I EAT YOUR SOUL!" when he appeared, grabbed onto his shirt and ripped it off. He dissapeared again, arriving next to Hiyono and Demon. "I got a shirt..." he said, pulling out a piece of paper from the shirt's pocket. "Hmmm... peace treaty" he said, throwing it aside.

Hiyono laughed hysteically. "Omg Evo-chan! That was fantastic but you've gotta take the treaty back." She gasped.

Evo pouted and threw it threw a portal, making it land on a very freightened USA presidents head.

"Thank you. Remember pranks not war." Hiyono said happily.

"It could be both..." Evo said, pouting slightly.

Hiyono growled and glared. "No." She ground out.

"Fine, no war" Evo said, pulling a face.

Hiyono smiled, happy again.

Demon smiled and poked Hiyono. "HA!"

Hiyono giggled and bit Demon on the arm.

Demon looked at the bite on his arm then tackled Hiyono. He pinned her down to the ground. "What you going to do now?" He laughed.

Hiyono's wing came up and smacked him in the head. "That." She replied rolling and pinning him instead.

Evo tackled the two "HA!"

Demon chuckled and smiled a sweet smile at Hiyono.

Kenji suddenly appeared behind Hiyono and poked her. "Hey.. looks like you've caught someone's eye!" she giggled as she whispered loudly to Hiyono.

"When are you going to do your pranks?" Evo asked getting up "And... who are you anyway?"

Kenji grinned. "I'm Kenji.. and I already have.. secretly.."

Evo blinked "What good is secretly?" he asked "Do it big! Do it loud!"

Kenji shook her head. "What's the fun of letting everyone know about what I did? Secrecy is more fun..." she giggled slightly.

Evo pouted slightly "Fine, now what?"

Hiyono smiled and poked Kenji. "Thanks for the tip and you have to at least tell me a little bit about each prank. If you don't, you get disqualified." She replied as she ran the tip of one of her wing feathers across Demon's nose.

Demon smiled even more. He kissed her and ran.

Hiyono's eyes widened and she blinked. "Did he just kiss me?" She asked with a smile.

Evo nodded and Demon dissapeared threw a portal, landing on his head next to Hiyono.

Demon jumped up and stared at Hiyono. "Ummmmm, SHIT!"

Hiyono's face turned red with a blush and she glomped him.

"Ahhhhhhh" Demon yelled jokingly.

With a pretend pout, Hiyono bit his shoulder lightly. "Bad Demon." She teased.

Evo poked Hiyono in the back of the head "What now? Or is the next prank having sex in public, cause you're doing that quite well now."

Hiyono's face flamed and she growled. "I'm not either!!! And the next prank isn't even being pulled in this city!" She wailed.

Evo laughed at Hiyono "Fine, what's next?"

Hiyono smirked. "You'll see." She replied.

Evo pouted "Fine... go have sex with the deomn.."

Hiyono twitched and a fire ball appeared in her hand. "If you want me to send you to the deepest pits of hell, keep talking." She growled as she scanned the area for dinner.

Demon saw a mortal roaming the streets. He flew after him and grabbed him with his claws penetrating his chest. He flew him back to Hiyono. "Want to share?"

Evo gringed "You could always eat me you know..." he said 'i heal very, VERY quickly."

Hiyono's eyes gleamed. "Yes. I haven't eaten or drunk mortal in a hundred years!" She replied happily.

"Here, He's yours." Demon said with a wink. He flew off and and caught himself a mortal.

Hiyono wrapped her wings around herself and her mortal meal as she proceeded to drain and devour the poor human.

Evo shrugged and took a chunk out of his hand. He hummed along with the human's screams.

Bones flew from between the folds of Hiyono's wings as she finished her meal. "You could always hunt you know. Instead of eating yourself." She said.

Evo winced down at the bones "I dont like killing... one of the reasons Satan kicked me out. He said I was soft..."

Hiyono licked herself free of blood and gore before emerging from her wing cocoon. "It's easy. Just imagine you're killing Satan or something. Then kill the human." She explained.

Evo shook his head "I dont kill... atleast not innocents." He picked up the humans skull and stared at it "I wonder who he was..."

"A criminal is what you want." Hiyono said with a healthy glow to her since her meal.

"I'd still find it hard to..." Evo said, taking yet another chuck out of his hand.

"Well then stop eating yourself and go find some animal to feast on!" Hiyono said.

Evo pouted slightly, still eating himself "Noone gets hurt this way..."

"But it's a form of cannibalism. It's not demonic you know." Hiyono said as she threw a cat his way. "Eat it." She ordered.

Evo caught the cat in one hand since his other hand was basically gone. "Noooo... I dont wanna harm the cute little kitty." He hugged the cat against him.

Hiyono twitched and threw a pigeon at him. "EAt this then." She said.

Evo watched as the cat attempted to attack the pidgeon, who had promptly flown off when thrown. "Ok... ok I'll eat the cat." He stared the cat in the eye, feeling guilty.

"If you dont eat it then i will!" Demon said peeling the flesh off the last bone.

"bite me" Evo said, meaning it literaly. He stared at the cat again and closed his eyes. He stuffed the cat into his mouth and swallowed hard, the small creature dissapearing in one gulp.

Hiyono smiled happily and hugged Demon. "That did the trick!" She said.

Demon nodded and licked his lips to rid most of the blood.

Evo groaned and put a hand on his stomach, feeling the cat wriggle within him "I feel sick..."

"You should have killed it first!" Demon said laughing.

Hiyono giggled and poked Evo's stomach. "Meh." She said.

Evo paled "Bleh... dont do that, you're making it squirm."

Hiyono smirked and pried Evo's mouth open and shoved a fireball down his throat to roast the kitty.

Evo belched, then grimaced "I think I preferd it alive..." he said.

"I could bring it back to life and have it throw a fit in your stomach for being roasted in the first place." Hiyono offered.

"No.. just no" Evo said, grabbing his stomach as the cat digested.

Hiyono giggled. "Sorry. But you make the funniest faces." She said.

"No stuffing living living down my throat just to make me pull faces" Evo said.

Hiyono grinned innocently.

Evo glared at Hiyono "Promise me... no feeding me stuff."

With huge watery eyes, Hiyono nodded.

Evo blinked "Are you crying because I wont let you feed me living stuff?"

"No! You were mean to me!" Hiyono wailed.

Evo blinked "You made me swallow a cat and then roasted it inside me" he said "How was I being mean?"

"I didn't make you swallow anything! Demon made you eat the cat." Hiyono retorted.

"Now now kids..." Kenji giggled in her most grown up voice possible.

Hiyono growled and cocooned herself in her wings again.

Evo rolled his eyes "Fine, just dont feed me anything if I really dont want it."

Kenji laughed to herself. "Wow, you guys really do sound like little kids!"

Hiyono plucked two of her feathers out and threw them at a random mortal. When it hit, she dragged him into her wings and ate him.

Evo winced and went over to Kenji "You are one of the more normal people here... please, I need slight sanity."

"On to San Francisco!" Hiyono shouted with a bloody mouth. With a blush, she cleaned up and flew off toward California.

"Me? Normal?" Kenji laughed. "Yea.. right.. if you say so!" she laughed once more and disappeared, following Hiyono.


Hiyono grinned as she noticed the Golden Gate Bridge. "Tomorrow we will prank this city." She said brightly.

Kenji appeared right behind Hiyono. "Wow... this is a REALLLY nice city!!" she stated, looking around.

"Yes it is." Hiyono agreed.

Demon flew up next to Hiyono. "Very pretty indeed." He said smiling at Hiyono.

Evo appeared next to Kenji again "Yeah... beaches." He said, staring at the sea. He stared at Kenji "Let's put it like this, will you make me eat a cat and then roast it within me?"

"WHAT????????!!?!!?!!??!?!!" Kenji exclaimed, looking disgusted.

Hiyono laughed. "That's what will happen to you if you eat yourself." She said.

Demon looked down at the water. He flipped upside down and let his wings skim the ocean.

Hiyono's wings changed to dragon wings as she dove into the water to catch fish.

Kenji rolled her eyes slightly and watched the two over the water.
*the next morning*
"Ok! This time, I don't care what prank you pull as long as it's good." Hiyono said brightly.

Kenji sat on a low brick wall, looking as though she was in deep thought.

Silver sneaks up behind her with a gorilla mask on. "GraaaaaaaaaHHHHHH!"

"GWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!" Kenji screamed as she fell forwards off of the wall. "HEY! you're supposed to pull pranks on the city people.. not me!" she exclaimed, trying to hold back giggles.

Silver pulled off the mask laughing. "Sorry, couldn't resist. You seemed deep in thought."

Kenji frowned. "Actually I was... you see, I can't think of any good prank!" she frowned even more, tapping the top of her head as she thought once more.

Demon went down to the city. He stood in the middle of a town square. He looked human. A dark cloud formed around him. When the cloud started to subside, you could see he had huge black and red wings. He let out a loud roar and started to go after the towns people. He listen to all of their screams and laughed more and more.

Silver held out a zombie mask. "I have this."

"ooooo..." Kenji said, grabbing the zombie mask. "I'M USING IT, THANKS!" she called over her shoulder as she put it on and ran into town. She hid around a corner and waited for a mother with a small child come along. Kenji jumped out and screamed. "BOOGABOOGABOO!!!!" she exclaimed, acting as if she was going to grab the small kid. "The child screamed in fear, as did the mother. Both ran away quickly.

Silver giggled and ran around acting like an ape girl.

Demon chuckled watching Kenji and Silver.

Silver starts to strut like the "bigfoot" tapes.

Evo had stood there and stared at the sea all night. Finnaly he moved as he walked out onto the water. When he got far out he threw both his hands up. Immediatley a giant wave started to rise, a massive tidal wave heading staight towards California with Evo riding ontop of it. Just before it hit the beach and collapsed onto the city it froze, a watery wall suspended above the city.

Hiyono jumped on Demon's back.

Evo slid down the wave to the others and grinned "What do you think?" he said, pointing to the wave.

"Ooh!!!" Hiyono said happily.

"Thanks" Evo said, smiling happily.

Hiyono nuzzled Demon's ear and bit it lightly.

rearanges hollywood to say lolyhodow and raises arms causing it to rain grape soda on the town

Demon cringed trying not to get too excited. "Please don't do that. Unless we're alone." Demon joked.

Hiyono wrapped her wings around the two of them. "Now we're alone." She said happily as she bit his ear lightly again.

Demon chuckled. "Hmmm." He kissed her.

"Mm." Hiyono purred happily.

Evo looked away, whistling loudly.

Demon looked down between him and Hiyono. "Damnit!" He chuckled.

Hiyono blinked. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"It wont go down damnit!" Demon chuckled.

Evo whistled louder, the glass around them almost shattering.

"almost thats not acceptable" pharaun gets a microphone and hands it to evo"use that"

Evo shook his head "Im not trying to break stuff... just trying to drown those out."

"It won't?" Hiyono asked again. She blushed.

Demon held Hiyono closer. "Hmmmm...maybe we can make this work. Since we are technically alone." He chuckled and bite her lower lip.

Hiyono grinned. "Poor Evo." She giggled as she bit his lip in return.

"Why poor Evo?" Demon smiled.

pharaun looks at declined microphone and says into it"horseraddish"

Evo grabbed the mic and yelled into it "CAUSE YOU GUYS ARE FREAKING ME OUT!!!"

Hiyono giggled. "He's getting all embarrassed!" She giggled as she licked Demon's nose.

laughs and pulls a rabbit out of his pocket

"Have you done a prank yet Pharaun?" Hiyono asked as she bit Demon's nose slightly.

pharaun replies"yeah thats why its raining grape soda and were in lolyhodow instead of hollywood now" dances happily

Silver starts acting like an ape and scratches the gorilla mask

Demon starts rambling random words. "Gorilla! Wrinkles! OLD BALLS! IT WONT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he started yelling.

Hiyono absently started licking his ear.

evo had ripped his own ears off and stuffed them in a kids packedlunch. "Please for the love of any non-specific deity! STOP THEM!"

"lolipop lolipop" looks at hiyono "got a lolipop?"

Demon kept blabbering words.

Unholy sits on a brand new not installed toilet in a hardware store using it.

Hiro swings down from a top shelf and drops a snake on Unholy,"Unholy snake in the pot attack!"

Evo poked Kenji gently "Please... even a small amount of normality..."

Kenji jumped sideways and glared at Evo, giggling slightly. "Don't poke me!"

Evo pouted "Please... need non horny people."

Kenji laughed and turned away, not knowing what to say.

Evo followed Kenji "I know, I'll take you to the top of the wave. You can see really far from there." He looked up at the tidal wave he had frozen just before it landed on California.

Kenji shrugged. "Sure..."

Evo smiled and took Kenji to the side of the wave, pulling her over the water as he walked on it. He grabbed her tightly as he walked vertically, then upside-down on the wave. He got to the top and sat down, balancing Kenji on his lap.

pharaun (sorry)gets ice pick and begins chipping away at the frozen wave whistling"im making a ice sculpture"

Kenji looked around. "Wow.. you really CAN see really far from here..." she said quietly, looking around.

Evo looked down at the person chipping away at the water "IT'S WATER THAT'S HELD IN PLACE!" he yelled down to them as the pieces she chipped away grew back. He hugged Kenji gently as he looked back up "yeah... I like it up high."

pharaun eats water "ooh never be thirsty again"

Hiyono hopped off of Demon and went to a store where she stole paint, a hammer, and some nails. Then she went to a fabric store and bought a banner.

Kenji grinned and hugged Evo back gently. "Yea, it's nicer up here!" she smiled, still looking around.

Hiyono returned and made a banner to stick on the huge ice wave. It read: DEMONS FROM HELL WERE HERE!!!!!

Evo hugged Kenji, then looked down at the poster "Nice..." he said.

"On to Vegas!" Hiyono cheered.

Evo grinned "VEGAS!" he jumped up "Oh I am gonna love miing that place up."



Hiyono smirked and sat on one of the casino roofs.

Evo blinked, luckily when he and Kenji had transported they'd appeared ontop of a casino's sign so they didn't fall. "Ohhhhhh... flashing lights" Evo said, staring out again.

Hiyono started painting words and phrases on all the casinos.

"What next" Evo yelled at Hiyono.

Demon appeared right next to Hiyono and grabbed her tight. "Please don't move. It still wont go away!" he chuckled in a slight mornful way.

Hiyono giggled and threw the paint can at a random building. She grinned as she knocked the top of the guitar off at the Hard Rock Cafe. "Score!!!" She cheered.

Demon chuckled and grinned. "Can you please help me make it go down?!" He said in a begging way.

"Ok!" Hiyono said as she broke into a hotel room on the top floor of a hotel.

"Damn horny demons" Evo mumbled.

"I HEARD THAT!" Hiyono bellowed from the window.

"I KNOW!" Evo bellowed back.


Demon pushed Hiyono onto the bed. "This should be fun!" He chuckled trying to get his pants off.

Hiyono rolled her eyes and burned them off. "There. All gone." She said brightly.

"Hmm!" Demon laughed then climbed ontop of her biting her neck alittle.

Hiyono wiggled around giggling.

2 hours later

Dishevled and covered in bite marks, Hiyono came outside again and proceeded to swoop down on various people, scaring them silly.

Evo was shivering in his own little ring of destruction, covering his ears and covered by a mixture metal and blood.

Demon layed in the bed with a huge smile on his face.

"Um are you ok Evo?" Hiyono asked worriedly.

Evo was still shivering, staring at the floor. "Must... not... kill people..." he twitched madly, small molten metal mixed with blood trickling down his head.

Hiyono smirked and hovered behind him. "Yes. Kill." She whispered suggestively.

Evo whiped round, grabbing Hiyono's shoulders and only just stopping him from grabbing her throat. "NO! No more killing..."

Hiyono's eyes widened and her feathers bristled with the percieved attack.

pharaun tunnels up from underground"ahhhh why didnt anyone tell me we were leaving cali???"turns the pyramid resort upside down and spins it like a top

Evo shook his head violently, an after image appearing. He released Hiyono and spun round, staring at the pyramid. He growled and it began to float, flying away.

"What's wrong with you?!" Hiyono screeched as she tried to soothe her feathers into settling down.

Evo slammed his head into the floor, then calmed down. "Im ok now... I just got a bit freaked out."

Hiyono's feathers finally soothed themselves down to normal again and she sighed. "Let's get out of America ok?" She said.

"Most of us havent pulled our pranks on Vegas yet..." Evo said, pulling his head out the ground.

"Well hurry. I've done mine." Hiyono replied.

Evo nodded and dissapeared threw a portal. He grabbed all the neon he could and made a giant 'The Demons from Hell were here too' sign above Vegas, the neon blinking on and off.

"evo threw my prank away......"pharaun makes the plastic flamingoes in front of the flamingo grow giant and come alive dancing

Demon finally flew out of the room to Hiyono and kissed her cheek. "Hello!"

"We traumatized Evo." Hiyono giggled.

Evo shivered again, watching the flying Pyramid float around Vegas like a giant flying saucer.
*they moved on to Brazil next*

Username (or number or email):


2007-05-04 [Evolution X]: uhhhhhh... what do we do in Vegas?

2007-05-04 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: Gamble!@!!!

2007-05-04 [Evolution X]: *is shivering with my hands over my ears* NOOOOOO! HORNY PEOPLES!

2007-05-04 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: ^_^ ur a perv Evo...admit it!

2007-05-04 [Evolution X]: I AM NOT... NOT ALL THE TIME... V_V

2007-05-04 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: *happy* I got laid! Oh yeah!

2007-05-04 [Evolution X]: *rolls my eyes* You keep saying that...

2007-05-04 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: I know. I'm bragging.

2007-05-04 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: that looks fun~rolls evos eyes~

2007-05-04 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: *nods* It was.

2007-05-04 [Evolution X]: owww! *grabs my eyes* Don't do that...

2007-05-04 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: ^_^

2007-05-04 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: you did it........

2007-05-04 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: we're going onto brazil.

2007-05-04 [Evolution X]: Rolling your eyes is an expression...

2007-05-04 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: whooot ~puts on a thong~when in rome.....

2007-05-04 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: O_O

2007-05-04 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: ......ew.

2007-05-04 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: hehehe~dances~

2007-05-04 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: *hides behind Demon*

2007-05-04 [Evolution X]: DONT mAKE ME WEAR A THONG!

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